Better policing and maintenance

Feedback from anyone regarding the improvements to the town centre, reveal that the highest perceived priority is to address the levels of anti-social behaviour and crime prevalent in the area. Due to socio-economic conditions and higher concentrations of drug-rehabilitation hostels in the area, the knock-on effect of these interventions have been negative to the town's image. Additionally the lack of general maintenance of the paths and roads makes the town less appealing place to visit, particularly the more vulnerable members of the community.
Leigh Means Business wishes to address the most visible of problems. We want to ensure everyone in our town feels safe no matter what time of day and night. Local and national cutbacks to our local Police Force have put a strain on resources. However, by working with the key stakeholders in the town we can all work together to make Leigh a safer and better place to enjoy for everyone.
Key points
- Increased uniform patrolling
- Regular crime prevention panel meetings
- Best Bar None - Management of ASB
- Pub watch
- Signage