Transforming Bradshawgate
Extending and refreshing the high street, with better connections and ease of access

Bradshawgate is the epicentre of Leigh’s retail district, complimented by a large shopping centre, Spinning Gate, it provides life into the town centre. The street is home to many high street brands, small independent shops and a wash of cafes and restaurants.
It achieves this by being one of very few pedestrian-only streets in the area. Although the footfall drops off half way down the high street once the pedestrian only section ends and the look and feel of the street changes substantially.
There are many businesses who would benefit massively from the continuation of the high standard found in the centre of Bradshawgate towards the east end. The west end could also be extended to meet up with the proposed Market Street café-culture style make-over. This could include changes to the junction with Railway Road to prioritised pedestrians in this area and allow people to flow naturally from Market Street on to Bradshawgate. Much of the original phase of pedestrianisation is also in need of updating, the surface is very tired and could benefit from being brought up to the same standard.
Many of the benches along Bradshawgate are damaged or in need of replacement, including the benches in the more recently completed centre section. These could be replaced or refurbished using 100% recycled plastic materials which don’t require ongoing re-painting or replacement of timber. Recycling bins could be placed along the street containing information on how the waste that goes into these bins is used to create the benches and other street furniture in the town.
This will also be complimented by the shop front improvements project and town-wide marketing and loyalty scheme.
These changes will drive more footfall to the east end of Bradshawgate and create a quieter, safer, more relaxed shopping experience.
The new benches and recycling bins will raise awareness of sustainability and promote recycling in our town centre.
Key points
- A better shopping experience
- Increased footfall to more of Bradshawgate
- Improving the town's image
- Promoting recycling